Light at the end of the turnnel

This sculpture is a wooden composition of a three-dimensional chess board with wooden chess pieces composed as exhibited. The tittle of the artwork is derived from a Luganda proverb that states “enswa BWEKYUSA amaaso nga nawe okyusa envubo” which means that when the condition change, you ought to change strategies too to make it through. The work is derived from a personal observation of how people in my society have been in position to change their different states of living so as to blend into the challenging changes brought about by covid starting with the political season of 2021 that created the two super political power rivals with some taking advantage of the pandemic situation to their victory as well as individual relating to the advantage group to beat the such as curfew where “slogans like gamba nogu” came up. Division of work groups into the essential and non-essential workers that pushed many to put on uniforms that dint belong to them to make it through.

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