Kija-kugwa is an encouraging statement that I always tell myself and those that are going through hard times ,it is Biblical that there is a time for everything and even covid19 will also pass away (die) and it shall be only a feritel to the generations to come.Griwing up airtime scratch cards were everywhere in the environment, two steps and you would definitely find one on the ground, till they were burned their production stopped and a few years down the road ,there is nothing like airtime scratch cards anymore, long forgotten and in the passed. I would take a lot of explanation to someone who didn’t use them that once they were the means through which we communicated because they had the airtime.
I relate with the the scratch cards such because during my senior four vaccination I scracted over 10000 and used to call the girls who’s numbers I had collected during the years in single school. When I got the idea I could not trace a single card and I went on a hanting mission asking if anyone had any and what you see is what I was able to gather and I hope this renews your memories and gives you hope that what we see allover towns, villages and cites in the name of masks shall soon be forgotten.