This is a word derived from an old known songs which talks of about a small drum that is always beaten for the baby to keep quite when crying. Using a woodcut printing technique, the artist exaggerates its facial human features for clarity. The print portrays a distorted face which shows a victim subjected to
domestic violence with a strong suggestive look and expression despite, It carry’s the meaning of the name Akagoma kalubendera Which reflects exactly what happened during the total lockdown down against the women as they were frequently beaten for various reasons that men thought they should have kept quiet about Violence against women is a grave violation of women’s human rights, no matter when, where, or how it takes place. There are many forms of violence against women, which had many potential negative health consequences for women and their children. Many cases were reported were women were subjected to domestic violence during the total lockdown. These atrocities resulted into injuries and serious physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health problems, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and unplanned pregnancies. In extreme cases, it even resulted
into death. The effects of violence are very often long-lived. Violence – in all its forms – can
have an impact on a woman’s well-being throughout the rest of her life. This is unacceptable, and the risks of violence that women and their children faced during the current COVID-19 crisis cannot be ignored. When we are able to prevent violence and speak about it, or to support women survivors of violence, we help to safeguard women’s human rights, and promote physical and mental health and well-being for women throughout their lives. This also helps to alleviate pressure on already stretched essential public services, including the health system.